Will The Real Wheat Please Stand Up

Will The Real Wheat Please Stand Up

Category : Allergies , Arthritis , Diseases , News

When buying breads or bakery items in the store, what should you buy? ‘There are so many to choose from, oh my!’ If you are buying for health reasons then you have to be more diligent and read the labels as well as the ingredients carefully. Labels will state, white flour, refined white flour, wheat flour, and whole wheat flour. Now you have a dilemma, which should you buy? The wheat of the white/refined flour goes through a heavy processing that removes all six outer layers of the seed’s bran; taking away 97% of the dietary fiber and 76% of the essential vitamins and minerals. Thus, having stripped the bran, the flour goes through a bleaching process by applying chlorine dioxide. Then, chalk is added to it to further whiten it. Other additives added are ammonium carbonate and alum for the look and feel of the flour. This processing makes the white flour a sticky mess when mixed with water to make the bread product. So, this results in a slow-moving mass in your colon which builds up toxins that can potentially lead to cancers. Also, another fact is that cancer feeds on sugar and white flour has the same response within your body as sugar. This causes a spike in your blood sugar levels. Also, all non-organic wheat is GMO which creates another danger. Organic wheat and whole wheat flours are made from hulled wheat grain (wheatberries) retaining all of its natural nutrients and fiber. High nutrient content is important for your long-term health and blood sugar response. Its taste and texture are slightly different, but it’s a better alternative. How is your health affected? Whole wheat has it hands down with its high fiber content. So, caution is necessary with the white/refined products because they can lead to nutritional deficiency causing chronic disease and illnesses. The toxins, and additives also increase the toxic levels in your body. We all love our bread, but we must start choosing more wisely what we will put into our body.


About Author

marie dimercurio

I have a passion for helping people to get healthy. I will continue to share my journey with others the ups and downs. I am human, I do and have made mistakes along the way and try to learn from them. We all must be willing to learn from our own mistakes as well as the errors of others. It's the best way to get through life's experiences.

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