Category Archives: Nitrites

Are Organic Foods Really Worth It?

Category : Allergies , Diseases , News , Nitrites , Sulfites

When buying healthy foods, are the organic foods really important for your health? What makes organic foods so-called superior? Under USDA guidelines, organic means the food has not been contaminated with any man-made chemicals. The organic farmers are also conservative in their growing methods, thus diligent in their watering and conserving the soil for future generations.

The organic farmers also avoid ionizing radiation—the process of applying radiation to raw meat, poultry and produce. Conventional farming uses radiation in meats to kill pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms. In produce, it is used to kill spoilage-causing bacteria, thus giving it a longer shelf-life. The organic farmers abstain from the radiation usage, instead following very strict sanitation and hygiene practices as well as climate control, which is also providing refrigeration.

What is the difference between organic and non-organic you may ask? There are many; flavor, taste, nutrients and even the way the produce looks and smells. We do know it is pricier and that is due to the fact of expensive farming practices and is more labor intensive.

So, what are the advantages? The biggest; in my opinion, are the health benefits. The chemicals and pesticides used on non-organic are to boost production; but have been proven to cause a number of diseases and create greater health risks. Pesticides and herbicides are hormone disruptors as well as toxic to the nervous and immune systems. Consuming naturally grown organics, boosts your immune system and prevents premature aging.

The nutrients, organics are a grade higher than conventional foods. The organics has more vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and micronutrients because of the sustainable farming practice. For example: 21% more iron, 27% more Vitamin C, 29% more magnesium, 13% more phosphorus than conventional vegetables. Also there is an important factor, organic foods, on the average contain 25% less mercury and 29% less lead than conventional foods—both of these metals are toxic to the nervous and immune systems.

The taste as well as the smell of the organic produce is far superior, because they have a more concentrated retained flavor. which explodes in your mouth wonderful flavors which enhance the taste buds. Test it out yourself, buy one of each …Experiment!
I am concerned about children who consume pesticides and other toxins in food. So, feeding them healthy chemical-free food is best for them and all future generations. While organic cost more, your body’s health is worth the expense.

Pamper your health,


Category : News , Nitrites

Dear Readers,

Nitrites are additives and preservatives added to foods to preserve the color of the foods, also helping to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria especially found in meats. Nitrites are composed of nitrogen and oxygen which are an important part of our environment and our body.

Exposure happens when substances enter the body, nitrites and nitrates oxidize the iron atoms in the hemoglobin from ferros iron to ferric iron which renders the hemoglobin unable to carry oxygen through the blood and the body suffers from this lack of oxygen. It damages these red blood cells, but also morphs into the molecules of the body that causes cancer. Complications due to nitrites can include seizures or even death.

I am going to give my opinion just an hypothesis (not a proven scientific fact as of yet). If the person develops  anemia, and the effects of anemia are decreased hemoglobin cells, which carries oxygen to the cells of the body. There is also a decrease in the red blood production or red cell destruction, or blood loss. The body will suffer fatigue, exertion dyspnea, dizziness, headaches, insomnia. If one is to read the list of symptoms below, which can fall into the same range. My opinion would be to rid the diet of all processed foods before deciding to go on any medications, the body will get a chance to clean itself of the chemicals, and heal of its deficiency. It is only my opinion and belief that anemia is linked to the consumption of  nitrites/nitrates.

Blue Baby Syndrome may be caused by high nitrite drinking water, but also may be caused because of eating; for instance vegetables containing high levels of nitrite. The water gets contaminated by nitrite fertilizers used to enrich the soil. Nitrites are carried by the rain, irrigation, and run off waters. Also animal and human wastes can contribute and contaminate the drinking water. The water unfortunately cannot be boiled or heated to rid it of nitrites. The only way to purify it is through ion exchange, distillation, or reverse osmosis. Organic root vegetables contain less nitrites because fertilizers aren’t used during their process of growing.

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