Is Your Cell Phone Emitting Radiation IntoYour Body?

Is Your Cell Phone Emitting Radiation IntoYour Body?

My dear readers,

The government issued a nuclear bomb to be tested in the desert of New Mexico 120 miles south of Albuquerque in 1945; and then 2 atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which ended the war with Japan. The radiation in the environment and the injury and death toll that followed was in the hundreds of thousands. The effects of the radiation continues to this day. Nevada tested many nuclear bombs in their desert from 1951 through 1996 with people there observing these events until ceased by the United Nations. Human beings were used as guinea pigs in these experiments, according to the ones that survived the trauma.
I have studied the effects of high-frequency radiation on the human body as part of my precursor to the field of Radiology. I worked in the field of Radiology for 25 plus years and we were continuously hounded to shield, to protect ourselves and our patients from radiation exposure. We had to be advocates for our patients so they wouldn’t be over-exposed. As an after thought, our brains were still getting radiation, the head and brain could not be protected. Hmmm.
But low-frequency radiation can have detrimental and long term effects on the body also. We aren’t told of these dangers, nor given any safety or protection from them. They are just deemed as safe to use. Just like the ‘guinea pigs’ of the 1940’s and ’50’s, we all believed them. But radiation is radiation and it is accumulative. It doesn’t leave the body, but it scatters around inside the body creating DNA damage, sometimes as bad as cancers.
Forms of electromagnetic radiation come from a large variety of sources;  which include microwaves, cordless phones, cell phones, bluetooth, computers, Wi-Fi, smart TV’s, television and radio broadcasts, power lines, fitness tracking devices, gaming systems, even some fish tanks, and of course ultra violet waves, x-rays, and gamma rays. The 5G towers are our new danger. 5G means the cell phone industry is installing millions of small cell antennas on lamp posts, buildings, and power poles all over the world (+13 million in the US alone) SIGNIFICANTLY increasing radiation level. We are always practically bathed in EMF’s.  Your cell phone is the strongest source of radiation that you carry with you daily. When not being used signals are sent out almost continuously. By default, these close range radiation pulses go through your body, even in standby mode, and these EMF’s impact our health in subtle and powerful ways. That is to say they have a adverse biological effect on our cells and their health.
If cell phones are so dangerous, then how come I’m not affected, you may say. This is the crucial thing to understand, you don’t feel the invisible rays of electricity either, but it does affect us also. Cell phones emit radio-frequency radiation which is a type of EMF. The health of our cells determines the health of our bodies and how we feel. When we examine the biological sites of cancer and cell phone use, the cell phones are always near the areas the cancer has originated. For example, people are getting tumors the same side of the head as they use their cell phone, cancers show up where one carries their phone. The studies keep pouring in and are conclusive. “Clear evidence of cancer” from cell phone radiation, concludes an extensive 10 year $30 million US federal study.
When I used to use my cell phone during  conversations it felt like it was heating up, then I put the X spots on all of my EMF appliances with the thought they would absorb all of the radiation that was emitting from the phone, (at least I was told that and believed it). It toned the heat down so I thought I was fine. But in my research I found out that is not true! These X spots only reduces the radiation, it does not take it away. I had to get rid of my cordless phone and electric clock radio also because when plugged in they would interrupt my sleep. I unplug my WiFi and turn off all EMF devices at least an hour before I go to sleep.
Research shows the biological effects of EMF’s are widespread; genetic effects, cellular and molecular effects, behavioral changes (especially in children), effects on the nervous system and brain, impaired learning, impaired fertility, metabolic effects, depressed immune system, hormonal disturbance, sleeping disorders, cardiovascular problems and blood brain barrier damage.
The WHO (World Health Organization) found that “Regular use of a cell phone by adults can significantly increase the risk of gliomas by 40% with 1640 hours or more of use.” What that means is: Gliomas are a type of tumor in the brain or spine that are malignant and deadly. Survival rates are generally 1 to 3 years after diagnosis. And 1640 hours equates to about 30 minutes per day over 10 years. These cancers are the most common cancer-related death of young adults aged 15-39. These cancers represent 80% of all malignant tumors. In fact, 24 hours of EMF exposure can cause more DNA damage than 1000 chest X-rays. We need to protect ourselves and our children from this harmful radiation.
There are some ways to protect ourselves from cell phone radiation.
1. Make Airplane Mode your best friend, or completely shut
it off. (some phones you will need to deactivate WiFi
and Bluetooth manually.)
2. Limit calls to those that are absolutely necessary.
3. Avoid using your phone next to your ear, (like the
inverse square law…it limits your potential exposure.)
hold it at least one-foot from your body and on speaker mode.
4. Don’t sleep with your cell phone turned on at night.
5. Use your phone only in conditions of optimal reception.
(avoid basement underground, or elevator use.)
Stand next to window or outside as much as possible.

I am concerned!