How Fast Do Your Wounds Heal?

How Fast Do Your Wounds Heal?

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Category : Allergies , Diseases , News

Those pesky little cuts, whether paper cuts or knife cuts can be an interference in our daily lives because of nagging pain. Let us for a moment look into your body’s self-healing abilities. The stages of wound healing are: bleeding, swelling tissue, regrowth and scarring. Though each stage occurs at different rates for each person, there should still be a consistency in the body’s self-healing process. If the wound takes longer than five days to develop the regrowing of new tissues around the affected area you may be suffering from slow healing.
Some reasons for slow healing include
*poor nutrition; diet does have a lot to do with your immune system support and function.
*Diabetes and high blood sugar;  when there is an elevated presence of sugar in the blood, this sugar then prevents the nutrients from getting absorbed into the body’s receptor sites.
*Poor circulation; plagues seniors, those with limited mobility and smokers. The body’s circulation maintains adequate oxygen levels to flow throughout the body to promote the right nutrients to be delivered to the affected wound for proper healing.
*Poor wound care; steps include, always stop bleeding, then, clean the wound, applying antibiotic agent if necessary, cover wound properly, (and get stitches, if necessary).
*Other health issues may include vascular or arterial disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lack of sleep, stress, obesity, autoimmune deficiency conditions and some prescription drugs slow wound healing.
It is best to support your body’s immune system with the fuel it needs to heal. The right amount of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and proteins and zinc; will give your body the proper momentum in its healing process of your cuts.
Summary: When you have a wound, ensure that you have a clean diet, plenty of oxygen and use natures healing. You will be amazed how miraculously your self-healing body really is.

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