If Our Body Isn’t Healing, It May Be Stuck in Stress Mode

If Our Body Isn’t Healing, It May Be Stuck in Stress Mode

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Category : Diseases , News , Sleep

Sometimes we learn our lessons by peeling back the layers of our life. Sometimes we keep repeating the same lessons like the ‘Ground Hog Day’ which the character kept experiencing the same day over and over. Sometimes we don’t want to look because it hurts too much or we just don’t want to deal with the emotions, it’s easier to just think than to feel. People fear the unknown, because we don’t know what we will find when we do look at it.
As human beings we will deal with stress in our lives; with our outward busy lives and living with unconscious trigger patterns, our body’s stress levels get stuck and don’t shut down. We become caught in our Sympathetic Nervous System, which is our FIGHT OR FLEE‘ response and freeze there. When that happens the body’s nervous system is maladaptive and the body’s healing stops. There isn’t any rest and digest activation from the Parasympathetic Nervous System. The body must be in a calm state in order perform it’s healing processes. You can take all the supplements, healthy food etc., but the body will react to them, unable to absorb the nutrients because of the internal stand still. For the body to heal it has to be in a healing state…CALM is the healing state.
Awareness is the first way to interrupt unconscious trigger patterns, living life with your eyes wide open. We  go to our mind to escape our emotions, instead we need to consciously become aware of what’s happening in our system for us to be ready to change our mindset. Then, learning to stop these patterns of thinking and behavior so we can shift and calm the nervous system. Some tools to use are: breathing slow and deep, mindfulness, meditation. This helps to calm our mind and come back into our body.  Sometimes we need to digest past emotions which haven’t been processed and have been held in our body, such as past traumas that need to be worked through so we can move ahead.
Transform is the key answer, dealing with underlying issues such as why do we go into our mind to escape our emotions in the first place? We may not feel safe, so we  try and think our way to safety. We may not feel loved, thus we need to learn to respect, care, and love the special person that we are. This is the core to a new heart so we can take care of ourself and come into a new body and a new home.
We are all in this together,
Encouragement to you all,