Sweet / Sour Cabbage Soup

Sweet / Sour Cabbage Soup

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Category : Recipes , Soups

Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup

Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup

I use all Organic, Non-GMO ingredients for
health as well as for flavor.

Serving Size:
2 cups
6 – 8
Prep Time:
45 minutes

Double the recipe if needed

3/4 head of cabbage, thinly shredded
1 large onion, very thinly sliced
5 Tbs unsalted butter, divided
1 tsp sweet paprika
5 cups tomatoes, chopped then blended until smooth
1 tsp caraway seeds
1 Tbs Redmond Sea Salt
Fresh ground pepper to taste
1 bell pepper, thinly sliced
1 Tbs coconut sugar or organic cane sugar.
2 Tbs freshly squeezed lemon juice

Making It:
1.  In a large stock pot, melt 3 Tbls butter over medium heat. Stir in onions, stirring frequently for 5-10 minutes until onions are limp.

2.  Stir in remaining butter. Allow to melt. Then add the cabbage, and bell peppers. Cook for 20 minutes, stirring frequently from the bottom to top so that the cabbage wilts evenly. 

3.  Stir in paprika. Cook for 1 minute. Stir in the tomato stock, coconut sugar, caraway seeds and salt. Bring to boil. Season with pepper and taste for salt. Stir in lemon juice, and serve.


About Author

marie dimercurio

I have a passion for helping people to get healthy. I will continue to share my journey with others the ups and downs. I am human, I do and have made mistakes along the way and try to learn from them. We all must be willing to learn from our own mistakes as well as the errors of others. It's the best way to get through life's experiences.

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