The Anatomy of a Headache

The Anatomy of a Headache

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Category : Allergies , Diseases , News , Sleep

According to Oxford’s Dictionary a migraine headache is a “severe headache, often accompanied by nausea and blurred vision.” Mosby’s Medical Dictionary states, “Allergic reactions, excess carbohydrates, iodine-rich foods, alcohol, bright lights or loud noises may trigger attacks, which often occur during a period of relaxation after physical or psychic stress.” A headache is the body’s chief warning signal of the body toxicity. The toxic load in the body has increased so fast that poisons are circulating in the bloodstream and cause irritation to the brain and nerves.

Swelling of the intracranial blood vessels around the scalp causes most headaches. During an onset of a headache, especially a migraine; the blood vessels in the brain continue to restrict because of stress, chemicals, sugars, and improper diet, which also disrupt hormone levels within the brain and body. The toxic flow throughout the body continues to build. Sedentary lifestyles, lack of sleep, stress, and pain medications only compound the situation.

Pain halts the digestive and elimination processes; so, most people will seek treatments to ‘cure’ their pain, but this systematic approach does not make the headaches go away and stay away. Instead, the headaches always return more frequently and may become more intense because the root cause has not been eliminated. Mild headaches can develop into migraine headaches and more drugs are sought…it’s a squirrel cage effect.

Proteinosis, which is poisoning from excessive protein, can cause headaches and a general achy feeling. Experts claim that a high protein diet will eventually destroy the entire glandular system. It places too much burden on the liver, kidneys, and adrenal glands.

Allergy is defined as an abnormal sensitivity to substances that may be harmless to most people. Migraine headaches are also classified as an allergic phenomenon. Certain food additives and preservatives, as well as chemicals in colognes, cosmetics, perfumes and household cleaners affect headaches.

In fact, when your body is detoxifying of toxins, a headache may result; hard as it is to do I suggest to ride it out, or you will stop the detoxification pathways.

There are other avenues that the body will do when it is challenged with anatomical issues as it is trying to maintain homeostasis. When in doubt it can be the best suggestion is to seek medical advice to perform a scanning procedure to find the root cause and solution.

Keep a diary of your headaches…and start the process of elimination, you will be amazed with the results.  It’s a good thing the body is working as it should be.

To the body’s freedom,

The End Result Of Root Canals Can Be Toxic

A root canal tooth develops a deep cavity infection in the inner parts of the tooth called the pulp. Dentists have been doing root canal treatments for many years. They will recommend root canals to their patients who are experiencing pain from a tooth. This agendum is designed to allieviate pain as well as protect the natural tooth. The procedure entails drilling through the crown (top of the tooth) and then removal of the obvious decayed matter within the tooth’s deep cavity (the pulp). The blood and lymph vessels as well as the nerve within this area are removed, and the blood and oxygen supply is  cut off.  The deep cavity is cleansed and sterilized with a sodium hypochlorite solution, a commonly used disinfectant. The tooth is then filled with a permanent rubberlike substance called guttpercha. It is to prevent bacteria or fluids from entering the tooth through the root. The natural tooth is permeable, that means the blood and lymph flow in and out of the tooth through the root into the pulp, but the tooth has now lost its permeability. The tooth will not recieve any blood, fluids etc and it now becomes a ‘dead tooth’. A crown is then cemented on top of the tooth. Sealing the main canal does not account for the thousands of side canals that branch off each tooth. They will be left untouched, made up of dead rotting nerves which the bacteria will feed off of and leak their toxic waste into the blood stream. There is a major assumption that the sanitation of the oral cavity kills 100% of infectious agents. It does not! Antibiotics are not any different from the disinfectants that cannot reach bacteria or the oxygen that is depriving the root canal environment. Without circulation and blood flow, antibiotics that are intended to kill the pathogens in your mouth are instead depleteing the healthy bacteria in your body that are suppoed to protect the immune system. I, personally, for my body’s health, have gone through this procedure twice and ended up removing both root-canaled teeth and replacing them will metal free implants, (in the same day).
Comments/questions are always appreciated,

Take care of your oral health,