Category Archives: Arthritis

Is Your Smile Keeping You Healthy?

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Category : Allergies , Arthritis , Diseases , News


“Taking good care of your teeth and gums isn’t just about preventing cavities or bad breath. The mouth is a window into the health of the body. It can show if you are not eating foods that are best for you or signal that you may be at risk for a disease. Diseases that affect the entire body (such as leukemia or diabetes) may first be noticed because of gum disease or oral problems.
“The mouth is filled with many bacteria, some linked to tooth decay and gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Periodontal disease may be connected with diabetes and cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke). However, a link between these two conditions and periodontal disease does not mean that one condition causes the other.”
Taken from the American Dental Association pamphlet…2011.
Oral health comes in many forms, but the deterioration or disease of the gums is the precursor of the diseases of the body. When the gums become affected they will present their inflammations throughout the rest of the body, triggering other medical problems. It it so important to keep your oral health as an important priority.
In people with gum disease (periodontal disease) which causes the gums to bleed, the bacteria builds up on the teeth making the gums more prone to infection. The immune system moves in to rid the infection and the gums become inflamed. This continues until the infection is brought under control. Without immediate treatment the same bacteria can then escape into the bloodstream and travel to other areas of the body and can cause serious health problems. Untreated periodontal disease with its bacterial plaque can lead to tooth loss, and may increase the risk of stroke, heart disease and other health issues
Many cancers are started in the mouth because of improper oral care. Nicotine in cigarettes cause the blood vessels to constrict which interferes with your gums ability to fight infection. Smoking also interferes with the any treatments or surgical procedures, and the body’s ability to heal. Mouth, tongue, and throat cancers are all caused by any tobacco use as well as alcohol use. Untreated abscesses have caused cancer and death. A friend of ours died because he did not get his abscess treated early enough and it couldn’t be brought under control, he died of cancer of the jaw.
Inflammation that starts in the mouth seems to weaken the body’s ability to control blood sugar. High blood sugar provides perfect conditions for infections to grow, including gum infections. Fortunately one can use the gum disease-diabetes relationship and managing one can help bring the other under control.
Periodontal disease may make pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease worse, possibly by increasing the amount of bacteria in the lungs. It also can worsen the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, treat the periodontal disease and the arthritis pain decreases.
Taking good care of our teeth, gums, and diet can really help you to live a longer healthier life.


Will The Real Wheat Please Stand Up

Category : Allergies , Arthritis , Diseases , News

When buying breads or bakery items in the store, what should you buy? ‘There are so many to choose from, oh my!’ If you are buying for health reasons then you have to be more diligent and read the labels as well as the ingredients carefully. Labels will state, white flour, refined white flour, wheat flour, and whole wheat flour. Now you have a dilemma, which should you buy? The wheat of the white/refined flour goes through a heavy processing that removes all six outer layers of the seed’s bran; taking away 97% of the dietary fiber and 76% of the essential vitamins and minerals. Thus, having stripped the bran, the flour goes through a bleaching process by applying chlorine dioxide. Then, chalk is added to it to further whiten it. Other additives added are ammonium carbonate and alum for the look and feel of the flour. This processing makes the white flour a sticky mess when mixed with water to make the bread product. So, this results in a slow-moving mass in your colon which builds up toxins that can potentially lead to cancers. Also, another fact is that cancer feeds on sugar and white flour has the same response within your body as sugar. This causes a spike in your blood sugar levels. Also, all non-organic wheat is GMO which creates another danger. Organic wheat and whole wheat flours are made from hulled wheat grain (wheatberries) retaining all of its natural nutrients and fiber. High nutrient content is important for your long-term health and blood sugar response. Its taste and texture are slightly different, but it’s a better alternative. How is your health affected? Whole wheat has it hands down with its high fiber content. So, caution is necessary with the white/refined products because they can lead to nutritional deficiency causing chronic disease and illnesses. The toxins, and additives also increase the toxic levels in your body. We all love our bread, but we must start choosing more wisely what we will put into our body.


Pain Is Not The Ultimate Enemy

To my Readers,

Americans have become the most pain conscious people on the face of the earth. Through the bombardment of the media, pain is to be banned as though it were the ultimate evil. As a result, this nation has escalated the slightest ache into a soaring ordeal. We know very little about pain and what we don’t know makes it hurt worse.
The most ignored fact of all pain is that the best way to eliminate it is to eliminate its abuse. People are very intolerant of any type of pain and just reach for a pill. The purpose of these drugs is to kill the pain, but it cannot cure it or take it away. Most of the pain is of unknown cause, and most people have been told that they have to learn to cope and live with this pain through pain management techniques. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work well at all, and many are caught in a web of deceit and despair, continually taking more drugs.
Many painkilling drugs actually make the pain worse.  Thus, creating many unwanted side effects, adding more toxins to the already inflamed body which intensifies the pain, and the drugs will start the addictive process within the body. It is a vicious cycle that has to stop but many won’t. People are more afraid of pain and disease than death itself, but they continue to take the avenue that leads them there. Pain is the warning system of the body that something is wrong and needs to be checked and adjusted.
Other than accidents, trauma, and surgeries most pain is because of the toxins in our environment, the diet we partake in, lack of movement/exercise, and the stress we put upon ourselves. It all compounds and our body suffers. Getting rid of the processed foods with its toxins and eating an organic whole-food plant-based diet will give the body a chance to heal and eliminate the pain. Hydrate well. Movement will start to come more freely. In my case, my diet was creating a huge pain problem for me. Click and read to find out how I overcame the pain: and
Keep a food, mood, and poop journal (buy a large notebook) and record everything you eat each day, how your body feels throughout the day; how often, how much hydration you do, and how well you eliminate your toxins through your stools. Also how well you sleep each night and you will be able to see for yourself the different triggers that bring on your pain…just have the sense enough to eliminate that trigger. Sometimes what we do and eat is hurting us.
More about reducing pain and a how a change of diet can help, check out my book:

Kickstarting and Protecting Our Immune System

To all my readers,

Your immune system is a complex network of white blood cells, organs and tissues of the lymph system.This system is spread throughout your entire body, protecting and defending your body from microorganisms and foreign predators, such as bad bacterias, viruses, parasites, or fungi; within your body there exists a terrain of bacteria that helps you to ward off these antigens,  It is a system of communication amongst its army of cells involved to defend against cellular damage to the rest of the entire body thus keeping your body in homeostasis, In a healthy state, your immune system is just monitoring and resting, it’s not in attack mode.
This is the time of the year when people seem to get more ‘colds and flu’. The weather changes to cooler, people are cooped up indoors  and aren’t getting outside to get fresh air and exercise, the holidays and all their busy fanfare, also all the sugary treats and other foods the body isn’t used to. It seems that there is more stress on your body at this time of the year, and that plays in as exhaustion which lowers your immune health. 70% of your immune system is right in your gut, this is the first layer of immunity.  What we need to do during the rest of the year is to build a strong immune support network for ourselves. How do we do this you ask? Immune system depleters include: excess sugar consumption, alcohol consumption, a Standard American Diet with its anti-nutrient foods. Frequent exposure to infectious agents. Stress is a biggie. Stress directly inhibits many functions of your immune health. Severe trauma from surgery or accident also stresses the body.  Stress increases your body’s production of cortisol which blunts your immune health. Vaccines and regular antibiotic use can cause a depression of the immune response for one to two weeks minimum. Fevers are your body’s response to fight the inward microorganisms, so taking aspirin or Tylenol is thwarting this process. Cool water washes will help decrease high temperatures, allowing your body’s healing process to continue. Lack of sleep suppresses the Natural Killer cell activity. It’s interesting, because with more hours of darkness at this season of the year our body tends to desire more rest, so why do we push it beyond what it needs? Being too clean can inhibit your immune system from functioning properly. Cleaning and disinfecting seems like the best, but it can be too much of a good thing. Practice good hygiene, but don’t go overboard. While trying to avoid foreign pathogens you don’t want to unintentionally minimize the good bacteria in your inner environment.

To your good health,

Dangers Are Lurking, How To Keep Our Pets Healthy

My  Readers,

We are going to reach out to a different population, something out of the ordinary, but still in the line of health and wellness. Who is it you may ask? The population I will be speaking about is the canines and felines/dogs and cats. They need health as much as their owners do. If your pet is sick quite often, then you must look at your own diet and environment.
Glyphosate has become a health hazard for our pets, insects, and people. It is the active ingredient in Roundup and is found in the bodies of 93% of humans tested–the amount found in a dog’s body is a full 5,000 percent more than in humans. It is not just a toxin, but an antibiotic that interferes with enzymatic pathways in the many bacterias of your animal’s gut health. Your dog will be exposed to it every time he goes for a walk. The parks, fields, schools are treated and the animals pick it up on their paws as they run through it. Cats who are not housebound will come in contact with glyphosate as well. When the animal comes home be sure to wash their paws very carefully after their trip outdoors. It’s also in their foods if they have commercial pet foods, and those who have canned foods have more. Kibbles have the even higher levels, with grain-free kibbles having the highest levels! The move by the pet food manufactures away from corn and soy to fillers like oats, pea protein, chickpeas and lentils is the main reason. These products tested in human study deliver the highest glyphosate levels to the consumer. They are sprayed just before harvest to make the process easier.
GMO’s are another problem for the animal species.Dr. Michael Fox, veterinarian stated, “The creation of GMO’s GE BioTechnology as the last step for the human species to tamper with the earth’s regulatory and creative process. It’s the invasion on the sanctity of life purely for human profit.” Animals are now getting human diseases. Soon after genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) were introduced into the food supply, many veterinarians noticed an decline in the health of dogs and cats. Allergies, chronic diarrhea, itching, immediate symptoms; but cancers and shorter lifespans were later reported. Many people have done a dietary switch to their pets diets to non-GMO and organic diets. The improvements  were remarkable, were stated by more than 3.200 pet owners.
Xylitol has dangerous toxic properties for dogs.  It is a sugar alcohol commonly used for baking, in chewing gum, candies, peanut butters, chewable  vitamins, some toothpastes, and throat lozenges. If the dog consumes any the animal will be dead in less than a half an hour. To prevent such poisonings, recognize that dogs have a huge sweet tooth and are very short on judgement and do act accordingly. Don’t leave any of these tasty items laying around.
According to many veterinarians interviewed the raw homemade diet with organic  grass-fed organ meats and vegetables is the best diet for your pet. Be sure though to separate and refrigerate all raw pet food from human grade foods, washing only the produce,  not the raw meats.
The next best diet is the nutritionally balanced homemade cooked  food diet. Do not microwave any of your pets foods, whether thawing or cooking. I repeat do not! Also, do not thaw your pet’s meats in water.
Stepping down in quality, is the commercially available balanced raw food diet in freezer packs. and dehydrated or freeze-dried raw diet.
Worse are the canned and pouch foods.
Bottom of the list is the cooked homemade human food, because of the processing, chemicals and toxins that are in these foods.
*It’s a species appropriate diet for dogs and cats.
*Raw boosts their immune system and helps  them to avoid common diseases and chronic illnesses. Raw foods along with exercise and sunshine will help your pets stay well.
*Pets can handle a higher bacteria level than humans, but nonetheless their raw meats, poultry, seafood should be consumed within seven days.
*The meats in Raw Pet Food comes from the same suppliers as human food. Human grade suppliers, which are the ones that sell to grocery stores and also Food grade suppliers (which sell condemned meat that is sold for every other style of pet food).
*Standard processed pet foods use poor quality ingredients  and dangerous substances, preservatives, additives, colors, flavor enhancers, and other dangerous non-nutritive substances that are added to extend their shelf life and make them palatable.
Raw and fermented foods are best:
*berries and fruits; which are high sources of probiotics, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and more.
*bone-broth; highly recommended as a food source for any dog. It adds moisture, free amino acids and joint nutrients.
*organ meats; make sure you purchase meats from a local farmer or make sure that the meats are organic-grass fed sources.
*fermented  vegetables; they are high in probiotics, vitamins and fiber.
*organic pitted and skinned avocados; are one of a dog’s favorite foods, rich in vitamins, minerals, helps the dog’s coat to shine and gives vitality and energy.
There has been some discrepancy on the internet on the avocados being poison to animals. I had a friend research the source and he said that goats who can eat anything, but the leaves of the avocado trees were extremely toxic to these animals. Therefore, the bottom line is my friend claims she will continue to feed her dogs fresh avocados every day.
Talk to your veterinarian about pet food nutrition and they may help to provide recommendations on raw and pet foods that are safe and healthy for your pets.
Check on-line: The Dog Bakery recipes for healthy foods for your dog.
(Top 20 Healthy Homemade Dog Food Recipes…)  They use real people food.
If don’t have any pets, pass this information on to your friends and family members who do.)

Trusted sources,

Our Body’s Inner Powerhouse

Category : Allergies , Arthritis , BPA , Diseases , News

My family of readers,

The liver is the heaviest and largest organ in our body and  it is capable of handling more than five hundred functions for your body; if it’s kept healthy. In fact, every drop of blood filters through your liver every three minutes and there are 65,000 known enzymatic reactions that occur during that process. Your liver processes everything you consume.
An impaired liver can exhibit symptoms of disease such as digestive disorders, constipation, fatigue, food sensitivities and allergies, hay fever, infertility, arthritis, hormone imbalance, diabetes, obesity, blood sugar issues, cholesterol problems, blood pressure, and hypertension, as well as others.
Some of the functions of the liver include:
Aids in the digestive process; Controls the bile production; Regulates the storage of fats; Processes enzymes and nutrients; Manufactures glycogen (thus helping to stabilize the blood sugar levels); Controls production and secretion of cholesterol; Maintains hormone balance; Detoxifies toxins and poisons from the blood; Synthesizes our medications and processes and purifies drug residues; Discharges wastes; Metabolizes alcohol;  Manages the chemicals in the blood; It associates and assists with the immune system functions;  Removes bacteria and general foreign particles from the blood; It is a reservoir for the fat soluble vitamins and some minerals such as iron and copper; Manufactures, stores and recycles proteins, also synthesizes blood-clotting proteins and proteins for fluid part of the blood (plasma); Recycles the red blood cells by breaking them down and their constituents are reused. The liver is responsible for regenerating its own damaged tissues even if 90% of it has been removed; it will grow back to normal size if there isn’t any disorder that can weaken the organ itself. So it is very important to keep your body’d powerhouse healthy and clean so it can detox and function, thus allowing our body’s systems to work together. Too much protein, sugars, simple carbs and enzyme deficient foods in our diets are a burden. Overeating burdens the liver. Alcohol causes inflammation to the liver, as too many toxins and not enough exercise distress its functions. Balance is crucial. Be kind to our bodies, clean up our environment of toxins and plastics (which have BPA) read: The Dangers of BPA. Clean up ur bodies by eating the best foods; non-GMO’s and Organic only.

For our best health,

Chewing Well: A New Concept to Wellness

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Category : Allergies , Arthritis , Diseases , News , Sleep

My readers,

Do you eat on the run, in a hurry, just putting food in your mouth but barely, not even tasting it? When you finish eating your meal, how does your body really feel? Do you feel stuffed, bloated, gassiness, burping, bad breath, heartburn/reflux issues, acid stomach, intestinal issues, tired/letdown, pain issues in abdomen, joints and muscles? Do you ever eat so fast that some food sticks in your throat, or goes into your trachea, and you end up with a coughing fit? Do you end up so stuffed about a half-hour after you eat that you can’t button your pants? Do you have to stay in the bathroom because things just didn’t go down the way they should and it’s coming out all ‘wrong’? Does your stool contain the visibility of your meal?
Well, I have good news for you! First of all, you are not alone. The cause has a simple solution. Your food that you just ‘inhaled’, and barely chewed, is the cause of your problem. What I mean by that is, the insufficient chewing of the foods of your meal has created undigestible ‘chunks’, that cannot be digested and assimilated by your body in that state. The mechanical process of digestion starts with chewing, stimulates the saliva and enzymes as well as relaxing the esophagus and prepares the stomach for its entry. Well-chewed foods glides easily through your esophagus and into your stomach. Chewing relaxes the lower end of your stomach, the pylorus; this muscle must be relaxed in order for the food to leave your stomach and pass into the small intestine. So optimal chewing creates sufficient saliva to help your food through your digestive system in a healthy manner. Undigested foods can ‘leak’ (permeability) through your colon’s lining and end up in your body causing food allergies and autoimmune issues. The unchewed foods has a more difficult journey through the entire digestive and the metabolic chain process. So chewing your foods real well, giving yourself time to eat, relaxed, is going to help your digestive system function as it was created to do and your digestive problems will become a thing of the past. New habits start slow, conscious before unconscious, so thinking, relaxing and chewing; is the new pattern.

I’m rooting for you!

Enzymes Are They Life-Saving?

Our readers,

Enzymes make the whole body function and work efficiently. They are tiny protein chemicals that carry an essential energy source needed for every chemical action and reaction that happens within your body. All of life, plants or animal, requires enzymes to live. Enzymes mean life and are life.
There are three classes of enzymes.  First, there are the metabolic enzymes, which is your body’s life force, that means every action, reaction, and activity of your body depends on them. If you didn’t have these metabolic enzymes you couldn’t swallow, blink your eyes, or breathe. What about  blood circulation, heart beat,  digestion or processing of your food into blood, muscle, and bone, walking and talking or any other life giving process? Your immune and lymph system depends on these metabolic enzymes. Now, there is one very important fact about these enzymes that you must be made aware of. According to Harvey Diamond, ” The body can only produce an finite/limited number of these metabolic enzymes. That means your body can only produce a certain amount of metabolic enzymes and no more! When they run out and they will, it is called Death.”  So the fewer of these metabolic enzymes your body requires and uses the healthier you will be and the longer you will live.
The second type is called digestive enzymes. The digestive process begins in the mouth with amylase from the salivary glands to digest starches; and lingual lipase from the tongue starts the digestion of fats in the stomach. Pepsin is released in the stomach to begin protein digestion. Of course, the rest of the digestion secretes its designated enzymes.
We now come quickly to our last one, food enzymes. All raw foods contain their own active enzyme which allows some rest to the digestive system, since it doesn’t need help from the metabolic or digestive enzymes.  Foods help keep us alive; fact, stop eating and you will die.
Foods are held up in the upper portion of the stomach for about one hour before mixing with the stomach acids; giving all the digestive enzymes time to work as well as the food enzymes to begin digestion. But when the foods are cooked, the enzymes needed to break down the food in your body are destroyed.  Cooking the foods above 118 degrees destroys all of its enzymescompletely annihilates them. So the foods being held up in the stomach are without its food enzymes, the digestive enzymes cannot work in the digestion process. Therefore, the body won’t let the food just sit in the stomach so the body is forced to call on its mechanism to produce the metabolic enzymes to produce the digestive enzymes necessary to digest the foods. But, now remember, you then are using your reserve of your beloved metabolic enzymes that determines your health and days of your life. So the more cooked foods that you eat, the more depleted of your metabolic enzymes you become. This compromises your lymphatic system which becomes overburdened with accumulated waste thus challenging your immune system.
I am not advocating a raw food diet, and I won’t even try and convince you to do it. I eat my fresh fruit only in the morning  (which allows my body’s cleansing process to continue) and my salads that I get creative with for lunch, but I love my cooked foods which I look forward to at my evening meal.  I take ‘Live Plant Enzymes’ before eating any meal which will have been cooked. Processed foods are considered to be in the cooked category.
In 1999 when my husband developed (CLL) Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, I began a huge research project to get only the safest, purest, high-quality supplements for us. The supplements are to be made without using heat, solvents, or fluid granulation at any stage of their manufacturing process, in order for them to be effective for the body’s needs. They also had to be Non-GMO, Kosher and Vegan because this is an announcement of safety. So for the Live-Plant Enzymes that we were to take before any and every cooked foods we chose Enzymedica Digest Enzymes (complete enzyme formula) because they have high quality manufacturing and processing practices. These are the only ones we will take. We have taken this product since 2005 with trust in the referrals of this product from others as well as the company’s integrity. I know we sound like the sales-man, but we would rather take supplements instead of drugs, and not compromise our precious metabolic-enzyme capacity. These Digest Enzymes can be purchased at most health food stores nationwide.

From a trustworthy source,

Hidden Sugar Names

Category : Allergies , Arthritis , Diseases , News

Agave nectar                                    Glucose
Barbados sugar                               Glucose solids
Barley malt                                      Golden sugar
Beet sugar                                        Golden syrup
Blackstrap molasses                      Granulated sugar
Brown sugar                                    Grape sugar
Buttered syrup                                High-fructose corn syrup
Cane juice crystals                          Honey
Cane sugar                                       Icing sugar
Caramel                                            Invert sugar
Carob syrup                                      Lactose
Castor sugar                                     Malt syrup
Confectioner’s sugar                       Maltodextrin
Corn syrup                                        Maltose
Corn syrup solids                            Maple syrup
Crystalline fructose                         Molasses
Date sugar                                        Muscovado sugar
Demerara sugar                               Raw sugar
Dextrane                                            Refiner’s sugar
Dextrose                                            Rice syrup
Diastase                                             Sorbitol
Diastatic malt                                   Sorghum syrup
Ethyl maltol                                      Sucrose
Evaporated cane juice                    Sugar
Fructose                                            Syrup
Fruit juice                                         Treacle
Fruit juice concentrate                  Turbinado sugar
Galactose                                         Yellow sugar

Excessive Protein Problems

Category : Arthritis , News

Dear Readers,

Proteins are needed for growth for children, as well as tissue repair and replacement of worn out cells. When we adopt a diet and lifestyle that introduces a minimum of toxins, our need for protein will be minimal because there will be less tissue waste. Many people consume too much protein thinking that if protein is good , more is better. The basic requirements for the body’s needs are 25-30 grams for a daily range. Many people far exceed that.

Protein requires more energy to digest than any other foods. It is a negative energy food but is looked to as an energy producer. It needs energy to digest it as well as to neutralize the acidic ash it leaves in the body. So it uses more energy than it generates. The body can synthesize protein from its own wastes which then enter into the lymph fluid. These are broken down into amino acids and the body will use these from the available pool of amino acids within the body when they are needed. This is why the body’s needs for proteins are lower than we may think. Protein poisoning from eating too much concentrated protein foods is far more common than protein deficiency. If one eats too much protein than the body needs for nutritional purposes, the body doesn’t store it like fat, its waste products must be excreted in the urine. The kidneys need to buffer the acidic protein waste products before they can be excreted in the urine, and that buffering process uses calcium to maintain the alkaline Ph. If the blood doesn’t contain enough for this process, it will be pulled off the bones and teeth. Then there becomes a negative calcium balance. Even excessive concentrated protein from plant sources (nuts, seeds, beans, and grains) can still be considered excess protein consumption, because it is too much for the body to handle. This process creates an aging process because some of the leeched calcium from the bones and teeth may start to be transferred into the soft tissues as well.

Some examples are:

Arteries (arteriosclerosis)
Optical lens (cataracts)
Ureters (kidney stones)
Skin (wrinkles)
Joints (osteoarthritis)
Tendons and Ligaments (frozen shoulder, plantar fasciitis)
Osteoporosis and loosening, weakening or decay of the teeth
Other symptoms and signs of excessive protein may include:

General aching
Bad headache
Burning of the mouth, lips, or throat
Skin symptoms, tiny bumps, rashes
Nasal symptoms, running nose
Other signs of intolerance of certain foods which is known as allergies
Kidney failure
Tumors/cancerous growths
Biochemical imbalances in the tissue
I have a dear friend who had bilateral hip surgery and one year later, her hips were worse than before. She was using a cane to get around. She was a big milk drinker and “would never give up her milk”. Well the pain kept getting unbearable and I suggested again to just experiment for one month to eliminate her milk and see what would happen, if it would help or not. Desperate as she was, she did give up her milk and her pain was gone in a couple of days…She has never gone back to drinking milk!

Now I can only tell you my own story…my journey. I gave up eating animal proteins including dairy and eggs several years ago and thought I was skating through life on a vegan diet. What I failed to realize that my pain issues started when I was eating an excessive amount of nuts, seeds and grains. As a food addict they tasted good , had the perfect crunch factor (the nuts) and were good for my body, Well the toxic effect from this had been over whelming on my body.

My dentist had mentioned that I was having “small surface fillings” along the gum line of some teeth. I was concerned but cut back on the large amount of dried fruit that I was eating, figuring that was the problem. A couple of years later two more were noticed. Still did not think it was the protein. A few years back I had ankle surgery done that left a neuroma in the toe of my left foot which was now becoming worse. In the last couple of years my plantar fasciitis was trying to return. My eye doctor informed me that my eyes were having the beginnings of cataracts. No concern He said. Well to me it’s a big concern. The only arthritis I ever had in my body was from an old injury in the left thumb. It would inflame if I ate the “wrong foods”. Then last year my right hip started to become very sore. Stress, that is what it was, at least that was my thinking. I had been dealing with feet and ankle issues for a few years and that was creating all of these problems including the wrinkles around my mouth, which I called “pain lines”. I had x rays taken of my hip and it was diagnosed as bilateral arthritis. How can this be? I don’t do any animal protein only the plant source, so I am not supposed to have this condition. I was falling apart. I was forced to retire in the late 2017 and my hip was getting worse and my knees at night would be unbearable. I globbed on the Arnica Gel and tried to go back to sleep. I started a different exercise regime and it helped somewhat. I don’t do drugs of any kind and still kept thinking this was related to stress. I got to the point that my hip hurt so bad that I couldn’t walk. I prayed continually to God to give me an answer and I was pointed into the direction of the all of my school books to go over protein, pain, and arthritis. Well, it was all of the excessive plant protein and not only that, it was now time for me to deal again with my food addictions. God would help me. So, I will experiment on me again. I stopped eating all of the seeds, nuts, and even the beans. Within a day the pain was gone from my hip, knees and feet. I have and will try a ‘small’ amount of beans as a hummus with raw veggies and my body is ok with that. I do want to try the nuts, but I don’t want to pig out so I haven’t touched them. (They can’t even call me, I’m not listening!) I am amazed that all of this I did to myself with my excessive eating of proteins. This is a reliable true fact. I do want to share this with others who may be experiencing similar pain issues to try a new approach. I will keep experimenting and doing my raw vegetable juices daily to bring healing back to my body.

To check out more on FOOD ADDICTIONS read page 100, Chapter 11 “Life’s Lessons” in my book: From Birth Until Sunset…Poisoned to Death.

Extra reading resources:

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause, John R Lee with Virginia Hopkins, Warner Books, 1996
Living Without Pain, Harvey Diamond, VP Nutrition, 2007
The China Study, T Colin Campbell, Benbella Publisher, 2006

From a trusted source,