Pain Is Not The Ultimate Enemy

Pain Is Not The Ultimate Enemy

To my Readers,

Americans have become the most pain conscious people on the face of the earth. Through the bombardment of the media, pain is to be banned as though it were the ultimate evil. As a result, this nation has escalated the slightest ache into a soaring ordeal. We know very little about pain and what we don’t know makes it hurt worse.
The most ignored fact of all pain is that the best way to eliminate it is to eliminate its abuse. People are very intolerant of any type of pain and just reach for a pill. The purpose of these drugs is to kill the pain, but it cannot cure it or take it away. Most of the pain is of unknown cause, and most people have been told that they have to learn to cope and live with this pain through pain management techniques. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work well at all, and many are caught in a web of deceit and despair, continually taking more drugs.
Many painkilling drugs actually make the pain worse.  Thus, creating many unwanted side effects, adding more toxins to the already inflamed body which intensifies the pain, and the drugs will start the addictive process within the body. It is a vicious cycle that has to stop but many won’t. People are more afraid of pain and disease than death itself, but they continue to take the avenue that leads them there. Pain is the warning system of the body that something is wrong and needs to be checked and adjusted.
Other than accidents, trauma, and surgeries most pain is because of the toxins in our environment, the diet we partake in, lack of movement/exercise, and the stress we put upon ourselves. It all compounds and our body suffers. Getting rid of the processed foods with its toxins and eating an organic whole-food plant-based diet will give the body a chance to heal and eliminate the pain. Hydrate well. Movement will start to come more freely. In my case, my diet was creating a huge pain problem for me. Click and read to find out how I overcame the pain: and
Keep a food, mood, and poop journal (buy a large notebook) and record everything you eat each day, how your body feels throughout the day; how often, how much hydration you do, and how well you eliminate your toxins through your stools. Also how well you sleep each night and you will be able to see for yourself the different triggers that bring on your pain…just have the sense enough to eliminate that trigger. Sometimes what we do and eat is hurting us.
More about reducing pain and a how a change of diet can help, check out my book: