*Read all instructions carefully before starting.

A small (10X12″) dishpan
A glass or enamel 2–4-quart saucepan
1 12-oz.can of lye (sodium hydroxide)
48 oz. olive oil
10 oz. coconut oil (palm kernel are also
oils for lathering)
1.5-2.2 oz. of fragrance or essential oils
Plastic or rubber gloves
3 cups of water (refrigerated)

**Note: This recipe may be halved for
smaller amounts.

1.  Pour 3 cups of ice water into the 2-4 quart saucepan.
(I use a larger one as it gives more room for stirring
and to prevent splashing​).
2.  Slowly and carefully add the lye a little at a time, stirring
with a wooden or plastic utensil. (make sure you use plastic
or rubber gloves.) DO NOT breathe the vapor over the container
and keep children from the area. ABOVE ALL, use no metal.
​The mixture will get very hot. In the olden days, a sassafras
branch was used to stir, imparting a fragrance and insect
deterrent for mosquitoes, lice, fleas and ticks.
3.  Let mixture cool for one hour in a safe place
4.  Pour the oils into the dishpan, then very slowly and carefully,
pour the lye solution into the dishpan. Mix thoroughly, at least
15 minutes until it looks like pudding.
5.  Add the fragrance and the essential oils at this time (if desired)
and mix again.
Information on different oils: Moisturizing and conditioning, use
olive oil, cocoa butter, soybean, sunflower, or canola oil.
For lathering, use coconut, castor, or palm kernel oil.
6.  If using soap molds pour them into them at this time.
7.  If making bars, let the dishpan sit until the next morning or until
hard enough to cut into bars. Generally, 24-36 hours. It will get
harder after a few days. package the bars.
8.  Remove the molds and package after a few days.
9.  The curing process takes about two weeks.Note:

***This recipe has been revised from Hulga Cark’s book
The Cure For All Cancers.

About Author

marie dimercurio

I have a passion for helping people to get healthy. I will continue to share my journey with others the ups and downs. I am human, I do and have made mistakes along the way and try to learn from them. We all must be willing to learn from our own mistakes as well as the errors of others. It's the best way to get through life's experiences.

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