Are Your Cravings Taking Control Of Your Body?

Are Your Cravings Taking Control Of Your Body?

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Category : Diseases , News , Sleep

Cravings are something that we may have to deal with in our lives. It would be wonderful if the food we craved gave us some kind of nutritional support or really did help us to FEEL better. Usually not, that is the unfortunate part. Very often cravings can be multi-faceted. What I mean by that is the cravings may be caused by; for example blood sugar issues, gut issues, nutrient deficiency and poor diet which consists of the chemical preservatives and additives in these foods which produces in the body what’s called ‘toxic hunger’. This is a chemically induced reaction.

The processed food companies have added so many chemical additives to their products to make them taste better and if it tastes better, it will sell more and people will keep buying and the company gets the profit. Unfortunately, the buyer suffers because of the toxic effects of these poisons within the body. Some of these can be extremely addictive; especially in the case of refined sugar, white flour. and processed carbs. It took over a month for me to detox from refined sugar cravings. Studies have shown sugar withdrawal can be as bad a getting off heroin. The other flavorings and chemicals that we cannot even pronounce, play havoc in sometimes worse ways imaginable.

Actually, fulfilled cravings can be harmful to your body; the cravings sometimes get worse after you give in to your temptation…it’s what is called an addiction. You struggled with it, the ‘toxic hunger’,  your will-power ran out and you were beat by your craving. Now your body gets the brunt of it.

What people fail to realize is that cravings are not hunger to feed the body per say, it is to feed the irresistible need within the brain and satisfy your mouth. It is a body that has gone rampant. and needs to release the toxic load. Begin to ‘hear your body out’!…listen to your body’s voice.

My suggestion is to keep a food journal. You keep record of your each day’s food intake, how does your body react to it? Be specific. Try only one new food item at a time so your body doesn’t ‘tail-spin’ and it’s easier to keep track of. Eliminate from your diet as necessary, based on your body’s reactions.

Two important brain neurotransmitters for proper functioning:
Dopamine is a chemical released in the brain that makes you feel good. Having the right amount of dopamine is important for both your body and your brain. It helps the nerve cells to send messages to each other.
Serotonin acts as a hormone…it carries messages between in the nerve cells in your brain (central nervous system), and throughout your body (peripheral nervous system). This creates long-lasting feelings of happiness.

It is best to give our body what it needs to keep healthy and you will cease to experience these nasty cravings and addictions. I changed my diet and my cravings vanished. Some food suggestions for these two neurotransmitters are:
Some foods that contain Dopamine: Do organic; almonds, apples, avocados, beets, bananas chocolate, pumpkin seeds, turmeric, green leafy, coffee, etc.
Some foods containing Serotonin: Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, eggs, turkey, pineapple, all foods containing L-Tryptophan, (calming the body). Can supplement L-Tryptophanand GABA. (These supplements work great for those who have sleeping issues). Also chromium and ALA (Alpha Lipoid Acid) are helpful to reduce cravings.

About Author

marie dimercurio

I have a passion for helping people to get healthy. I will continue to share my journey with others the ups and downs. I am human, I do and have made mistakes along the way and try to learn from them. We all must be willing to learn from our own mistakes as well as the errors of others. It's the best way to get through life's experiences.

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