Potato Salad with Horseradish Vinaigrette

Potato Salad with Horseradish Vinaigrette


Purple Potato Salad with Horseradish Vinaigrette

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Ready In: 35 minutes
Makes: 8 cups
Suggest: Use all organic
ingredients for flavor and health.


*2 lb. tiny red, yellow and/or purple
potatoes, halved if large. May add
extra purple potato slices as needed.
*1 lb. asparagus, trimmed, and cut
into bite size pieces.
*3 Tbs. red wine vinegar
*1 Tbs. Dijon mustard
*6 cloves of garlic, minced (opt.
can use more or less)
*1 -2 tsp. fresh dill
*1 tsp. prepared horseradish
*1 cup bite-size pieces red bell pepper
*Sea salt and fresh ground pepper,
to taste.

Making It:
1.  In a large 6-qt cooking pot, cook all potatoes
in boiling water 8 minutes or until nearly fork
tender. Add asparagus. Cook 3 minutes more; drain.
Rinse with cold water to drain and drain again.

2. In an extra-large bowl whisk together vinegar,
mustard, garlic, dill, and horseradish. Add potato
mixture and bell pepper; toss to coat. Season with
salt and pepper to taste.

About Author

marie dimercurio

I have a passion for helping people to get healthy. I will continue to share my journey with others the ups and downs. I am human, I do and have made mistakes along the way and try to learn from them. We all must be willing to learn from our own mistakes as well as the errors of others. It's the best way to get through life's experiences.

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