What Is Nerve Energy? How Does It Affect Me?

What Is Nerve Energy? How Does It Affect Me?

Category : News

What is the body’s primary need to increase your brain power? The greatest need is nerve energy. Although it is not the only need—it is the primary need. Without wellbeing nerve power is elusive. How then does one acquire nerve energy? I am glad you asked. Nerve energy is created by the brain and the nervous system for its own use. It is generated under the condition of sleep. It is low-grade electricity measured in millivolts. How the processes of sleep help the brain to generate nerve energy is still under study by scientists. There are not any definite answers as of yet, just intense research still going on. But we do know that adequate sleep and rest are gravely important to having adequate nerve energy.

Another factor—toxic materials must be very low in the bloodstream and the body before the brain can function at its maximum peak. Even the bloodstream burdened with the nutrients from a meal will cause the brain to preform less effectively than if one had fasted instead. It has been said that “a full stomach makes a dead head.”  Missing a meal or periodic fasting for brief periods has been proven to increase the brain’s thinking power.

Intellectual pursuits use more nerve energy than physical labor. Thinking draws more current from our mental batteries than digging ditches. Mental labor is quite a bit more exhausting and wears one down, from mental tiredness to physical tiredness. Stress from overthinking is enough to short-circuit or deplete your reservoirs of nerve energy. Many have experienced deep emotional states and then collapse into depression—this is called enervation; meaning without nerve energy.

Periodic fasts are absolutely essential to the highest level of mindpower and health, no matter how good the rest of the life regime followed. Missing one meal occasionally will be of a great benefit. The body and the blood are cleansed of toxins, restful sleep will then occur, and health begins to increase, the brain once again functions effectively; thus, there is a great enhancement on nerve energy. So, you must turn yourselves around if you want to be mentally sharp all the time. It is now time to build and maintain a high level of nerve energy.   let’s keep your reserves high. Rejuvenation begins with you.