Sugar And Its Downsides

Sugar And Its Downsides

Category : Allergies , Diseases , News

To all of my readers,

Sugar is a deceiver, it takes so good, smooth as silk going in, but bites hard like a serpent as it enters the body. It kills slow, maybe not today, or possibly a few years down the road, but its detrimental effects are continually damaging the body. Sugar robs your immune system of its vitality to keep the body in its healing mode. Sugar in all of its forms is a powerful immune system suppressant. It knocks out the immune system’s protection, crippling the white blood cells which are there to kill viruses and bacteria, but instead feeds the pathogenic yeast and viruses, which cause heath issues. 24 teaspoons of sugar decreases the immune system’s ability to annihilate bacteria by 92% for more than 5 hours Now you may say “I don’t eat that much sugar”. Well, let’s put it this way.
*  A 12-ounce can of a soft drink contains 12 teaspoons of refined sugar.
*  A half cup of ice cream contains 5-6 teaspoons of refined sugar.
*  A chocolate bar contains 7 teaspoons of refined sugar.

The average American consumes daily in their diets of manufactured foods/processed foods that may contain 50 teaspoons or more of refined sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Now, I may not be a math wiz, but the numbers do add up to more that the 24 teaspoons. Then, if you come in contact with a virus or bacteria within that 5 hour period–just by touching a doorknob, shaking someone’s hand, etc.–your immune system may not be able to ward off the predator. By 2030 50% of the population will have Type 2 Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes is where the system has been flooded with sugar for so long, that the cells will no longer accept sugar very well, they do that by shutting down the insulin receptor sites. These receptor sites are closed from the amount of sugar, that the insulin can’t get to it. Like a lock that has been blocking the key tp get in.
Insulin resistance in the brain, the Amyloid Protein starts to disrupt the recall ability and memory, Alzheimer’s Type 3.
Insulin resistance of the brain is a bad thing because the only fuel source for our brain is sugar. If the sugar can’t get to the brain cells the brain doesn’t work well. That only effects everything that the brain effects–it is your body’s control center.
Excessive sugar crystallizes the RBC’s (Red Blood Cells). They will be disabled from being able to carry the oxygen and nutrients through the body’s blood transport system. The sugar crystalizes each cell creating barbs that protrude from them, like prickers on a rose bush. As these crystalized Red Blood Cells float around through the blood system, they will cut and tear into the blood vessels walls creating a scarring that damages the wall’s elasticity. The vessels are unable to expand and contract because the scarring stiffens and hardens the walls. This is one of the reasons that folks with Diabetes have such poor circulation, because at the extremities the vessels become smaller and it’s even harder for these RBC’s to get through, thus the circulation is gravely reduced. Many more negative consequences due to refined sugar consumption are weight gain, aging of the skin as well as the body organs, inflammation which develops into other diseases due to the high acidity effects from the sugar, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, tooth decay, fatigue and irritability, heart disease, and brain dangers (especially when you think of Alzheimer’s and Autism both are affected by the excess sugars in their brain). A final thought, there has been research on people who eat lots of sweet stuff actually show reduced activity in the brain’s reward center, which means they need to eat even more  in order to get the same amount of pleasure.Alzheimer’s diet must be a whole plant based diet, avoiding all chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, processed foods, because all of these are inflammatory. Inflammation in our body will cause damage to the receptor sites. Inflammation causes oxidation to those sites and everywhere in the body it can happen. To reverse all of this the diet must be regulated: two parts, vegetables–all the different colors. and 2 parts protein and 1/2 part fruits…the low glycemic ones, like organic berries. All of the diet must be organic and non-GMO’s in order for the body to function properly and remain in optimal health.
Let there be a 14 hour fast from the dinner meal to the next day’s breakfast. This allows the body’s cells to eliminate  many of its toxins; fasting is the only way for this to happen.. I have been down this road, got off the path and went through the healing of my body. I do not want to ever go back there again. I encourage you to be diligent and read labels very carefully! Sugar comes in many forms and I have included those in another article on my webpage. Hidden Sugar Names.



About Author

marie dimercurio

I have a passion for helping people to get healthy. I will continue to share my journey with others the ups and downs. I am human, I do and have made mistakes along the way and try to learn from them. We all must be willing to learn from our own mistakes as well as the errors of others. It's the best way to get through life's experiences.

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