Enzymes Are They Life-Saving?

Enzymes Are They Life-Saving?

Our readers,

Enzymes make the whole body function and work efficiently. They are tiny protein chemicals that carry an essential energy source needed for every chemical action and reaction that happens within your body. All of life, plants or animal, requires enzymes to live. Enzymes mean life and are life.
There are three classes of enzymes.  First, there are the metabolic enzymes, which is your body’s life force, that means every action, reaction, and activity of your body depends on them. If you didn’t have these metabolic enzymes you couldn’t swallow, blink your eyes, or breathe. What about  blood circulation, heart beat,  digestion or processing of your food into blood, muscle, and bone, walking and talking or any other life giving process? Your immune and lymph system depends on these metabolic enzymes. Now, there is one very important fact about these enzymes that you must be made aware of. According to Harvey Diamond, ” The body can only produce an finite/limited number of these metabolic enzymes. That means your body can only produce a certain amount of metabolic enzymes and no more! When they run out and they will, it is called Death.”  So the fewer of these metabolic enzymes your body requires and uses the healthier you will be and the longer you will live.
The second type is called digestive enzymes. The digestive process begins in the mouth with amylase from the salivary glands to digest starches; and lingual lipase from the tongue starts the digestion of fats in the stomach. Pepsin is released in the stomach to begin protein digestion. Of course, the rest of the digestion secretes its designated enzymes.
We now come quickly to our last one, food enzymes. All raw foods contain their own active enzyme which allows some rest to the digestive system, since it doesn’t need help from the metabolic or digestive enzymes.  Foods help keep us alive; fact, stop eating and you will die.
Foods are held up in the upper portion of the stomach for about one hour before mixing with the stomach acids; giving all the digestive enzymes time to work as well as the food enzymes to begin digestion. But when the foods are cooked, the enzymes needed to break down the food in your body are destroyed.  Cooking the foods above 118 degrees destroys all of its enzymescompletely annihilates them. So the foods being held up in the stomach are without its food enzymes, the digestive enzymes cannot work in the digestion process. Therefore, the body won’t let the food just sit in the stomach so the body is forced to call on its mechanism to produce the metabolic enzymes to produce the digestive enzymes necessary to digest the foods. But, now remember, you then are using your reserve of your beloved metabolic enzymes that determines your health and days of your life. So the more cooked foods that you eat, the more depleted of your metabolic enzymes you become. This compromises your lymphatic system which becomes overburdened with accumulated waste thus challenging your immune system.
I am not advocating a raw food diet, and I won’t even try and convince you to do it. I eat my fresh fruit only in the morning  (which allows my body’s cleansing process to continue) and my salads that I get creative with for lunch, but I love my cooked foods which I look forward to at my evening meal.  I take ‘Live Plant Enzymes’ before eating any meal which will have been cooked. Processed foods are considered to be in the cooked category.
In 1999 when my husband developed (CLL) Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, I began a huge research project to get only the safest, purest, high-quality supplements for us. The supplements are to be made without using heat, solvents, or fluid granulation at any stage of their manufacturing process, in order for them to be effective for the body’s needs. They also had to be Non-GMO, Kosher and Vegan because this is an announcement of safety. So for the Live-Plant Enzymes that we were to take before any and every cooked foods we chose Enzymedica Digest Enzymes (complete enzyme formula) because they have high quality manufacturing and processing practices. These are the only ones we will take. We have taken this product since 2005 with trust in the referrals of this product from others as well as the company’s integrity. I know we sound like the sales-man, but we would rather take supplements instead of drugs, and not compromise our precious metabolic-enzyme capacity. These Digest Enzymes can be purchased at most health food stores nationwide.

From a trustworthy source,

About Author

marie dimercurio

I have a passion for helping people to get healthy. I will continue to share my journey with others the ups and downs. I am human, I do and have made mistakes along the way and try to learn from them. We all must be willing to learn from our own mistakes as well as the errors of others. It's the best way to get through life's experiences.

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