The Big, Bad and The Ugly…Killer Fats!

The Big, Bad and The Ugly…Killer Fats!

Category : Allergies , Arthritis , Diseases , News , Sleep

Hydrogenation is a process that turns polyunsaturates, which are normally liquid oils at room temperature, into fats that are solid or semi-solid at room temperature. This is a chemical process; the oils are altered under pressure with a metal catalyst for about six to eight hours. This process will break the double bond which is naturally occurring in the oil by adding hydrogen to make it into solid or semi-solid product. The really big problem here is that through this processing the chemical and metal catalysts remain in the oil, when the processed foods are eaten these toxins enter into our body will therefore contaminate us. These metal catalysts are nickel, aluminum, platinum, or cobalt. If the unsaturated fat chain is fully saturated by this chemical process, it becomes hard and stable, but completely dead. What that means it becomes pure fat, without its health benefits. The difference between partially hydrogenated and fully hydrogenated fats is that the partially hydrogenated fat creates trans-fat, because the fully hydrogenated returns to “zero-trans-fat” level.

So, you ask, what makes them killer fats? These laboratory altered fats are considered an inflammatory ingredient that get stuck inside the body; there isn’t any way for the body to metabolize them or excrete them out. Since your body can’t metabolize them, they sit in the fat tissues of the body hindering its ability to efficiently break down and use other proteins or fats which can keep the body in a healthy state. The blood becomes sticky and hard and can create cardio vascular issues. Triglycerides increase, LDL cholesterol (bad) also increases, while the HDL cholesterol (good) decreases. There is an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, stroke, disruption of hormones function, also interfering with the enzyme structure which the body needs to eliminate certain toxins. Also, these toxins create massive amounts of inflammation within the body, thus hindering the body’s healing process.

So, it is so important to not just look at the front label but to investigate and read the INGREDIENT label instead. Toxic fats are hydrogenated and trans fats. Margarine, shortening, and other man-made oils are particularly harmful. Some of these toxic fats are canola, corn, vegetable, soybean, cottonseed, safflower, grapeseed and peanut oil. These oils are highly processed and oxidize easily. Beware of these!

Very concerned,

About Author

marie dimercurio

I have a passion for helping people to get healthy. I will continue to share my journey with others the ups and downs. I am human, I do and have made mistakes along the way and try to learn from them. We all must be willing to learn from our own mistakes as well as the errors of others. It's the best way to get through life's experiences.

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