Category Archives: Diseases

Should We Be Seeking Cures Or Healing

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Category : Allergies , Arthritis , Diseases , News , Sleep

Lissa Rankin, the author of The Mind over Medicine describes the difference between curing and healing:
“While I believe you can cure yourself, one gigantic lesson I learned in the past few years is that healing is not the same as curing. You can cure without healing and heal without curing. In medical school and residency most of our training focused on curing. Very little attention was focused on healing. But curing and healing are inherently different. Curing means ‘eliminating all evidence of disease’, while healing means becoming whole”.
Spoken wisely. Most people feel that they have to take or do something to get well. They feel that the symptoms that are making them miserable are there because someone or something made them sick. Therefore, cures are sought by external aid. Only healthful living produces health.
People suffer ill heath because  of unhealthy eating habits and destructive lifestyles. For example, stress may be called the number one disease producer. Stress will confront all of us at one time or another, but many people live in the constant state of stress, thus disease.
Our body is amazing and intricate in its design by our Creator. Each of the body’s systems do not work separately, but function as a whole-body system, that is where curing fails us! It fails to balance the body’s wholeness. This imbalance adds to the stress overload. We need to start with digestion, what do we put into our body will reflect back on how our body is to respond. All the chemicals that are in processed foods will do harm to the human body and create disease; causing the intricate, delicate body systems to fail. And I do want to repeat that: ALL CHEMICALS THAT ARE IN PROCESSED FOODS will cause the body to respond poorly. In our attempt to keep our body whole and healthy let’s be obedient the organic chemistry of our body. We will gain a wholeness instead of seeking cures that will not work.

For our health,

How Vitamin D Might Save Your Life

Category : Allergies , Diseases , News

COVID-19 is one our worst nightmares of this decade. Vitamin D might have a positive impact on your body as well as your brain. Dr. Michael J. Stephen, a critical care pulmonologist, cared and treated many COVID-19 patients while carefully protecting himself as best as he could. Well, he developed COVID-19. Out of wonderment, because of his excellent health, he was stunned. How could this be? But the worse part of it all was that he felt he was losing his mind. He felt like his brain was on fire, doing and saying things that he was unaware of. Reports are showing that four-fifths of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 have developed neurological symptoms and studies have found that at least half of those recovering from COVID-19 continue to suffer from neurological symptoms sometimes for months afterward. Brain scans show structural and functional changes to the brain. Right now, there aren’t any answers why, but the medical community is trying to figure it out. The researchers were surprised to find that neurologic manifestations as a whole were more likely to occur in younger people, although encephalopathy were more often found in the elderly. It’s a complicated matter on how the virus attacks and inflicts damage to the brain cells by sucking up precious oxygen from surrounding brain cells, therefore starving them. Read this article from
AARP December 2020/January 2021 Magazine…COVID and the Brain.

How can we defeat the severity of COVID-19? Dr. Kenneth Cooper, the pioneer of the aerobic health movement has done studies on vitamin D levels and immunity. It’s effect on the regulation of the immune system, acts as an anti-inflammatory lowering heart disease, cancer rates, lowering rates of Alzheimer’s, dementia, as well as Parkinson’s and cancer. Dr. Cooper states “that most everyone can safely and inexpensively take vitamin D supplements as a preventive health measure”. He consistently monitors some 4,500 Cooper Clinic patients since last spring for coronavirus antibodies and antigens. Those with higher vitamin D levels seem to have much lower rates of coronavirus antibodies. (He recommends at least 2,000 IU daily…I personally take 5,000 IU daily) It is recommended to get blood labs done to check your levels. Functional ranges should be between 55-80ng/ml. The research shows that those with lower vitamin D levels are at a 77% increased risk for COVID-19. Cooper states “85% of people with color have vitamin D levels in low teens and single digits unless they are taking supplements”.
Dr. Cooper’s article in Decision Magazine January 2021.

Two forms of Vitamin D and how they effect the body are:
Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is synthesized by plants and is typically found in mushrooms, fortified foods, and vegan dietary supplements. This form is not produced in people and breaks down into metabolites foreign to the human body.
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is the form naturally found in people and animals, formed by exposure of the skin to sunshine containing sufficient intensity of UV-B rays.

I welcome any comments.

Apartame: The Sweetener That Decieves

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Category : Allergies , Arthritis , Diseases , MSG , News

There are many artificial sweeteners on the market to keep people out of the sugar bowl. These are designed to feed the sweet tooth but not gain weight in the process. All of these have their dangers as they are digested and metabolized by the human body as chemicals; and these toxic chemicals have disastrous effects. In this article we will focus on Aspartame, and its dangers to the human body. Aspartame is the world’s most widely used artificial sweetener and is marketed as NutraSweet, Equal, Sugar Twin, and Amino Sweet. What is it? It is a synthetic chemical composed of the amino acid phenylalanine and aspartic acid, with a methyl ester. When consumed the methyl ester breaks down into methanol, (another name for wood alcohol) which may then be converted into formaldehyde. Formaldehyde then accumulates in the brain and damages the central nervous system as well as the immune system, thus creating neurological damage to the body. The world’s most popular artificial sweetener must be banned say experts, and according to one expert, the sales of aspartame should be banned because of all the damage it does to the human body. Artificial sweeteners do not help with weight loss, but instead leads to weight gain because this product increases the appetite, thus creating obesity related disorders. Aspartame has been linked to many serious health conditions and diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, cancers, cardiovascular disease, brain tumors, seizures, strokes, blindness, headaches, migraines, and mood disorders. Also links to serious liver damage and glutathione depletion along with kidney function decline, diabetes and metabolic derangement. Aspartame should not be used by pregnant women as it can be harmful to the developing fetus. Aspartame is now in over 6,000 products on the market (please read labels), including Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, Kool-Aid, Crystal Light, and other sugar-free sweetened drinks, Jell-O, candies, condiments, dressings, chewing gums including the ones that have sugar in them, children’s medicines, vitamins and cough syrups. We have to be alert and diligent about our own heath, after all we only have one body to get us through life; let’s take good care of it.
Truthfully yours,

The Real Nature Of Fluoride

Category : Allergies , Arthritis , Diseases , News , Sleep

The organic mineral fluorine is part of our body’s chemistry.
Uses in the Body:
Fluorine is found in the bones, teeth, blood, skin, nails, and hair.
It is essential to the body’s healing process.
Effect of Deficiency:
A lack of fluorine in the diet can result in tooth decay, weakened
eyesight, and spinal curvature.
Recommended Allowances:
There are not any recommendations at this time.
Food Sources:
almonds, carrots, green leafy vegetables,
exists in some quantities in all plants.
*A synthetic compound (fluoride) works against the human body;
but an organic ingrain compound (fluorine) is easily assimilated.

At this time, there is nothing more controversial than the additives being incorporated into the tap water, toothpastes and mouthwashes than fluoride. We have been told that fluoride, this synthetic chemical compound is safe, and must be used on a daily basis in order to have healthy teeth and bones. Well, with all the fluoride additions, one would assume that the population would have outstanding dental health, but the truth is just the opposite. In fact, it has been found that this synthetic chemical can be very harmful to one’s overall health. Look on the back of a fluoride toothpaste tube, and you will see a warning about the dangers of ingesting fluoride. It is suggested to call poison control if a child swallows more than the recommended amount. Well, in my opinion, that is absurd to put a likely poison in something a child needs (toothpaste) to have to keep healthy teeth. It would be better to eliminate the poison, instead of putting on a warning label on the product. For children, it is best to use a fluoride-free dental product. How does fluoride increase health risks? Several research studies have suggested that fluoride is poisonous to the human body, and have showed clear evidence that cities with fluoridated water had higher cancer death rates. Another point, as with all additives, many people can and do have sensitivities and allergies to fluoride, and some leading to severe autoimmune diseases. Risks of brain damage, the pineal gland of the brain and thyroid gland holds fluoride, decreased IQ in children especially in prenatal infants, arthritis symptoms, decreased bone health, in fact, millions of people in India and China had their health compromised by fluoride.
People may not be aware of what their body’s health problem really is, so just a little insight of what can be eliminated to help our bodies become less challenged and move forward to good health.
Comments or questions:


The End Result Of Root Canals Can Be Toxic

A root canal tooth develops a deep cavity infection in the inner parts of the tooth called the pulp. Dentists have been doing root canal treatments for many years. They will recommend root canals to their patients who are experiencing pain from a tooth. This agendum is designed to allieviate pain as well as protect the natural tooth. The procedure entails drilling through the crown (top of the tooth) and then removal of the obvious decayed matter within the tooth’s deep cavity (the pulp). The blood and lymph vessels as well as the nerve within this area are removed, and the blood and oxygen supply is  cut off.  The deep cavity is cleansed and sterilized with a sodium hypochlorite solution, a commonly used disinfectant. The tooth is then filled with a permanent rubberlike substance called guttpercha. It is to prevent bacteria or fluids from entering the tooth through the root. The natural tooth is permeable, that means the blood and lymph flow in and out of the tooth through the root into the pulp, but the tooth has now lost its permeability. The tooth will not recieve any blood, fluids etc and it now becomes a ‘dead tooth’. A crown is then cemented on top of the tooth. Sealing the main canal does not account for the thousands of side canals that branch off each tooth. They will be left untouched, made up of dead rotting nerves which the bacteria will feed off of and leak their toxic waste into the blood stream. There is a major assumption that the sanitation of the oral cavity kills 100% of infectious agents. It does not! Antibiotics are not any different from the disinfectants that cannot reach bacteria or the oxygen that is depriving the root canal environment. Without circulation and blood flow, antibiotics that are intended to kill the pathogens in your mouth are instead depleteing the healthy bacteria in your body that are suppoed to protect the immune system. I, personally, for my body’s health, have gone through this procedure twice and ended up removing both root-canaled teeth and replacing them will metal free implants, (in the same day).
Comments/questions are always appreciated,

Take care of your oral health,

Is Your Smile Keeping You Healthy?

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Category : Allergies , Arthritis , Diseases , News


“Taking good care of your teeth and gums isn’t just about preventing cavities or bad breath. The mouth is a window into the health of the body. It can show if you are not eating foods that are best for you or signal that you may be at risk for a disease. Diseases that affect the entire body (such as leukemia or diabetes) may first be noticed because of gum disease or oral problems.
“The mouth is filled with many bacteria, some linked to tooth decay and gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Periodontal disease may be connected with diabetes and cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke). However, a link between these two conditions and periodontal disease does not mean that one condition causes the other.”
Taken from the American Dental Association pamphlet…2011.
Oral health comes in many forms, but the deterioration or disease of the gums is the precursor of the diseases of the body. When the gums become affected they will present their inflammations throughout the rest of the body, triggering other medical problems. It it so important to keep your oral health as an important priority.
In people with gum disease (periodontal disease) which causes the gums to bleed, the bacteria builds up on the teeth making the gums more prone to infection. The immune system moves in to rid the infection and the gums become inflamed. This continues until the infection is brought under control. Without immediate treatment the same bacteria can then escape into the bloodstream and travel to other areas of the body and can cause serious health problems. Untreated periodontal disease with its bacterial plaque can lead to tooth loss, and may increase the risk of stroke, heart disease and other health issues
Many cancers are started in the mouth because of improper oral care. Nicotine in cigarettes cause the blood vessels to constrict which interferes with your gums ability to fight infection. Smoking also interferes with the any treatments or surgical procedures, and the body’s ability to heal. Mouth, tongue, and throat cancers are all caused by any tobacco use as well as alcohol use. Untreated abscesses have caused cancer and death. A friend of ours died because he did not get his abscess treated early enough and it couldn’t be brought under control, he died of cancer of the jaw.
Inflammation that starts in the mouth seems to weaken the body’s ability to control blood sugar. High blood sugar provides perfect conditions for infections to grow, including gum infections. Fortunately one can use the gum disease-diabetes relationship and managing one can help bring the other under control.
Periodontal disease may make pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease worse, possibly by increasing the amount of bacteria in the lungs. It also can worsen the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, treat the periodontal disease and the arthritis pain decreases.
Taking good care of our teeth, gums, and diet can really help you to live a longer healthier life.


Will The Real Wheat Please Stand Up

Category : Allergies , Arthritis , Diseases , News

When buying breads or bakery items in the store, what should you buy? ‘There are so many to choose from, oh my!’ If you are buying for health reasons then you have to be more diligent and read the labels as well as the ingredients carefully. Labels will state, white flour, refined white flour, wheat flour, and whole wheat flour. Now you have a dilemma, which should you buy? The wheat of the white/refined flour goes through a heavy processing that removes all six outer layers of the seed’s bran; taking away 97% of the dietary fiber and 76% of the essential vitamins and minerals. Thus, having stripped the bran, the flour goes through a bleaching process by applying chlorine dioxide. Then, chalk is added to it to further whiten it. Other additives added are ammonium carbonate and alum for the look and feel of the flour. This processing makes the white flour a sticky mess when mixed with water to make the bread product. So, this results in a slow-moving mass in your colon which builds up toxins that can potentially lead to cancers. Also, another fact is that cancer feeds on sugar and white flour has the same response within your body as sugar. This causes a spike in your blood sugar levels. Also, all non-organic wheat is GMO which creates another danger. Organic wheat and whole wheat flours are made from hulled wheat grain (wheatberries) retaining all of its natural nutrients and fiber. High nutrient content is important for your long-term health and blood sugar response. Its taste and texture are slightly different, but it’s a better alternative. How is your health affected? Whole wheat has it hands down with its high fiber content. So, caution is necessary with the white/refined products because they can lead to nutritional deficiency causing chronic disease and illnesses. The toxins, and additives also increase the toxic levels in your body. We all love our bread, but we must start choosing more wisely what we will put into our body.


How To Be Happy? Learn To Be Content

Category : Diseases , News

Happiness is something that we all yearn for. It is like an illusive butterfly, it is there for that one moment for us to admire its beauty and perfection. We try to extend our hand to touch it and maybe even gently grasp it, but then, we blink and it is gone. We gasp in surprise, how can this be, I just had it! So fleetingly fast. That is how happiness is; illusive, fleeting, and unable to reach. Why do we continue to fill our voids with happiness? We tend to seek fulfillment, satisfaction, and love and equate this with happiness. It is coined as a something, and that’s the problem it is not a something. It is an attitude, a state of being. Many years ago, I was driven with a passion to find happiness. Obviously, each time I thought it was there, I failed and became even more disillusioned. I was caught in a squirrel cage of despair. One night, I was given the gift of truth. I, by Divine Appointment, sat at a lecture given by an inspirational therapist. The subject was to be on Happiness and I was glued to my seat with all ears and heart opened, mesmerized by this subject matter. I heard all he said but what resonated inside forever were these words: “Happiness is peacefulness and contentedness. You may have peacefulness but not have contentedness, or you can have contentment and not have peacefulness, therefore in that moment you will not have happiness. But when you have both peacefulness and contentment than you will experience happiness. So it is not something you will have all of the time.” What a freedom it was to have that burden removed. I quit looking for happiness, because it is not always going to be there. I was set on wings of freedom. We have to learn and work to cultivate a contented heart.
I listed below the five Rules To Cultivate a Contented Mind and which I include also a contented heart. This is the secret to happiness/contentment. I found the five rules for contentment written by an English clergyman two hundred years ago.

Rules To Cultivate A Contented Mind:
(1) Allow yourself to complain of nothing not even the weather.
(2) Do not imagine yourself to be somewhere other than where you are.
(3) Do not compare your situation with that of anyone else.
(4) Never allow yourself to dwell on wishing this or that had happened. Remember, that God Almighty loves you better and more wisely than you love yourself.
(5) Never dwell on tomorrow. Remind yourself that tomorrow is in God’s hands, not yours.

Pursue and practice contentment.

If Our Body Isn’t Healing, It May Be Stuck in Stress Mode

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Category : Diseases , News , Sleep

Sometimes we learn our lessons by peeling back the layers of our life. Sometimes we keep repeating the same lessons like the ‘Ground Hog Day’ which the character kept experiencing the same day over and over. Sometimes we don’t want to look because it hurts too much or we just don’t want to deal with the emotions, it’s easier to just think than to feel. People fear the unknown, because we don’t know what we will find when we do look at it.
As human beings we will deal with stress in our lives; with our outward busy lives and living with unconscious trigger patterns, our body’s stress levels get stuck and don’t shut down. We become caught in our Sympathetic Nervous System, which is our FIGHT OR FLEE‘ response and freeze there. When that happens the body’s nervous system is maladaptive and the body’s healing stops. There isn’t any rest and digest activation from the Parasympathetic Nervous System. The body must be in a calm state in order perform it’s healing processes. You can take all the supplements, healthy food etc., but the body will react to them, unable to absorb the nutrients because of the internal stand still. For the body to heal it has to be in a healing state…CALM is the healing state.
Awareness is the first way to interrupt unconscious trigger patterns, living life with your eyes wide open. We  go to our mind to escape our emotions, instead we need to consciously become aware of what’s happening in our system for us to be ready to change our mindset. Then, learning to stop these patterns of thinking and behavior so we can shift and calm the nervous system. Some tools to use are: breathing slow and deep, mindfulness, meditation. This helps to calm our mind and come back into our body.  Sometimes we need to digest past emotions which haven’t been processed and have been held in our body, such as past traumas that need to be worked through so we can move ahead.
Transform is the key answer, dealing with underlying issues such as why do we go into our mind to escape our emotions in the first place? We may not feel safe, so we  try and think our way to safety. We may not feel loved, thus we need to learn to respect, care, and love the special person that we are. This is the core to a new heart so we can take care of ourself and come into a new body and a new home.
We are all in this together,
Encouragement to you all,

What They Aren’t Telling You About Viral Disease.

To all concerned readers,

Were we suddenly dumped into the Twilight Zone? It sometimes feels like it. Pandemic sounds scary, but it simply refers to a new disease that’s been reported globally. COVID-19, a respiratory virus, is both a global and new disease, but even the WHO (World Health Organization) has pointed out that it’s controllable by taking reasonable precautions; there are other viruses that have done more damage this year than the Coronavirus. What you haven’t heard is that 16,000 people have died and over 280,000 have been hospitalized from the influenza (regular flu) virus this season. Fear creates stress within our body and will continue to deplete our immune system; thus good quality sunshine, movement; getting outdoors reduces the effects that stress creates. Knowledge prevents fear. It’s important to support our immune system in order to combat any outside virus and bacterias that can challenge our body. What we eat does affect our immune system. Eating a nutrient-dense diet is one of the best and non-negotiable ways to support our immune health. Read about immune health:…ur-immune-system/

It is important to eliminate refined sugars and processed carbohydrates, seed and vegetable oils, (these are all transfats), artificial ingredients, processed foods and junk foods; instead focus on a diet that is abundant in greens, veggies, fruits, raw seeds and nuts, spices (such as turmeric, ginger and cinnamon) and healthy fats. Stay well hydrated throughout the day and use a high quality sea salt to help with electrolytes. Of course use good hygiene practices, washing often with soap and water is so important and safer than the chemically ladened antiseptic hand sanitizers, in maintaining one’s health. If you won’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin. Hulda Clark wrote,” One hundred percent of cancer patients have the solvent isopropyl alcohol accumulated in their liver and in their cancerous tissues.” This solvent is the main ingredient in these products. At this point there aren’t any antiviral medications that can combat the virus, and no vaccines to prevent it. What to do? Dr. Andrew W. Saul, an international expert on vitamin therapy, states “The Coronavirus can be drastically slowed or stopped completely with the immediate widespread use of high doses of Vitamin C. Bowel tolerance levels (if you get gassy or diarrhea, then you take less) of C taken in divided doses throughout the day is a clinically proven antiviral without equal”. It’s not a cure for the virus. But it’s been tested in China on those affected and all the experts agree that Vitamin C combined with a healthy lifestyle boosts and supports your immune system. Vitamin C also helps to prevents colds and flu. Also, according to Dr. Saul, our body’s cancer cells receptors receive in glucose. Remember, sugar feeds cancer.  But interestingly, those same receptors will take in Vitamin C which heals that same cancer cell back into a healthy cell. Make sure you also keep your Vitamin D and Zinc levels up. Here’s to your health! Your immune health! Check out our book for additional health information.

To your good heath,